
I´m back![ESP/ENG]

Star Wars Battlefront II


Soy Sr.nothing o bonvoyage para los panas Soy ing mecatronico y me dedido a hacer streams por las noches

Stream Info

My name is Jorge and i'm 24 years old -> I come from Chihuahua, I mainly play LoL,Overwatch,BF4.

*Procesador Intel iCore 5 7ma generación

*SSD 250gb Adata

*Tarjeta grafica Nvidia GeForce 1060

*Ram X2 8 GB

If you want to support me to grow with a better team to give you a better visual and audio quality in my stream or a tip for a coffee, I leave you my links here, every donation will be appreciated from my heart, thank you!

HIVE http://hivelive.me/donate/srnothing Paypal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=SGX4L6B4M8SCC TRON TTvALDLkbktVBrK1uJwwgCPcfP5mNpHsYC DISCORD

https://discord.gg/RsMbqVbvbr https://peakd.com/@srnothing https://twitter.com/Ing_BonvoyageMx


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